Audit Solutions | Rozwiązania dla administracji publicznej

We are a content partner of IIA Poland in the field of internal audit assessments. The partnership with IIA confirms the highest quality of our work. IIA Poland    IPPF IIA

We conduct the assessments based on IIA standards, and in the financial sector based on IIA standards and KNF recommendations. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our team, the value of our work goes far beyond mere compliance with the requirements of standards and regulations. We share our experience, provide numerous practical comments that improve the work of the internal audit function in the organization. 

The assessment is carried out in two variants:

  • full external evaluation, carried out by a qualified external team independent of internal audit
  • the so-called. self-assessment with independent (external) approval by a qualified and independent person or team.

External evaluation raises the importance of internal audit in the organization. Addressees of the audit report receive a guarantee that the report is the result of work carried out in accordance with international standards. The formula carried out in accordance with standards used in audit report  is a quality mark in the world of audit. 


Our work is carried out in such a way as not to disturb the work of internal audit or organization. The work schedule is always agreed with the client and adapted to his/her time capabilities. At each stage of work, the client is informed about any arrangements that, if necessary, are discussed on an ongoing basis.         

The works are usually carried out in three stages:   

  1. Initial review (approx. 25% of the project time), 
  2. Main works (50%), 
  3. Preparation of the report (25%).  

We conduct interviews with key internal audit stakeholders: Management Board, Supervisory Board, directors of audited entities. We analyze the audit process and documentation - both for assurance and consulting tasks. We interview auditors. 

AuditSolutions Sp. z o.o.

ul. Wikingów 12A,
03-029 Warszawa

+48 696 476 797
+48 608 346 976
